Paper Code: 
HCT 224
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  1. To understand the concept and factors involved in fashion.
  2. To learn about the centers of international fame & their contribution in fashion.
  3. To develop understanding of merchandising & retailing and its importance in today’s consumer market.
  4. To gain knowledge about the management aspect of retailing.



Unit I: 
Fashion Concepts:
  • Fashion Terminology, Principles of Fashion.
  • Theories of Fashion Adoption:
  •     Traditional Fashion Adoption (Trickle Down Theory)
  •      Reverse Adoption (Trickle Up or Bottom Up Theory)
  •      Mass Dissemination (Trickle Across Theory)
  • Components of Fashion – Silhouette, Detail, Colour, Fabric, Texture.
  • Psychology of Fashion, Factors affecting fashion and its change.


Unit II: 
Fashion Evolution & Centers:
  • Fashion Evolution – Fashion Cycle, Length of cycle, Fashion Leaders & Followers.
  • Fashion forecasting.
  • Sources of advanced fashion information
  • Fashion Centers: France, Italy, England & United States, Milan, Japan



Unit III: 
Marketing Management:
  • Introduction to Management and its Basic functions.
  • Fashion Marketing and Marketing Environment                               
  • Level of Market Segmentation
  • Segmenting Consumer Markets


Unit IV: 
  • Introduction & elementary knowledge of Merchandising.
  • Merchandise Planning- Planning, controlling and executing merchandise budget, costing & pricing strategies.
  • Visual Merchandising- Types of displays-Window display and interior display, careers in merchandising and the future of merchandising.


Unit V: 
  • Meaning & importance of retailing.
  • Modern retail stores and future trends (Franchise retailing, Departmental stores, specialty stores, chain retailers, mail order houses, shopping malls).
  • Designer label v/s Brands.
  • E- Retailing


Essential Readings: 
  1. Gini, Stephens. Frings., Fashion from Concept to Consumer, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.
  2. Stone, Elaine. & Samples, J.A., Fashion Merchandising: An Introduction, McGraw Hill Book Company, New York.


  1. Harold, Carr & Barbara, Latham., Fashion Design and Product Development, (1992), Blackwell Science Ltd.
  2.  Carter, E., The Changing World of Fashion, (1977), G.P.Putnam’s Sons, New York.
  3.  Rubin, L.G., The World of Fashion, (1976), Canfield Publication, San Fransisco.
  4.  Brackman, Helen. L., Theory of Fashion Design, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
  5. Sharon, Lee. Tate., Inside Fashion Design, Harper and Row Publishers, New York.
  6. Cahan, L., A practical guide to Visual Merchandising, (1984), John Wiley and Sons, New York.
  7. Packard, S., Fashion Buying & Merchandising (2nd Edition), (1983), Fairchild, New York.


Academic Year: