Basic Nutrition And Meal Management

Paper Code: 
CND 132
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

To enable the students: -

  • To understand the relationship between nutrition and human well being
  •  To acquire knowledge regarding principles of planning diets for various stages of life cycle and diseases.
  • To understand the general structure and functions and various systems and organs in the body 

Introduction to nutrition – definition of nutrition, nutrients and health       

Basic 5 food groups, food guide, food pyramid   

Macro nutrients – carbohydrates, fats and  proteins                                

  • Composition, classification, food sources, functions, requirements, deficiency and storage in body                                                                                                               

Micro nutrients – minerals, fat soluble vitamins and water soluble vitamins

  • Composition, classification, sources, functions, requirements, deficiency and Storage                                                                                                  

Water – functions, requirements, sources and balance                        

Introduction to meal management  - balanced diet                                 

Basic principles and steps in meal planning                                      


Nutrition during the life  cycle

  • Pregnancy
  • Lactation                                                                             
  • Infancy
  • Pre-school                            



Nutrition during the life  cycle                                                                                                                        

  • School age                                                                        
  • Adolescence 
  • Adult                                                                    
  • Old age 

Role of dietitian and Nutritionist

Basic concept of diet therapy                                                                           


Therapeutic adaptation of normal diet                                               

Obesity – causes, prevention and dietary modification                     

Underweight – causes and Dietary modifications                             

Etiology, symptoms and diet in gastro Intestinal diseases – diarrhea (acute and chronic), constipation ( atonic and spastic)

Academic Year: