Assessment of Nutritional and Health Status

Paper Code: 
CND 502
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the student to:

  • To Assess the nutritional Status of subjects
  • To develop skills related to counseling
  • To learn different therapies of counseling
Unit I: 
  • Direct and Indirect methods of Nutritional assessment of human groups 
  • Assessment of age: Using local events calendar.
  • Anthropometry Assessment: Measurements used, use of equipment, standards for comparison. Classification used to categorize malnutrition, cut of points used to distinguish current and long term malnutrition.
  • Indicators of nutritional status: weight /age, height/age and weight/height, mid upper arm (MUAC).
  • Guidelines for interpretations of growth charts
Unit II: 

• Dietary assessment: Methods and techniques for assessing dietary intakes of individual, house hold level and Institutional level, Essential features, Uses and  limitations of different methods.
       • Problems intake measurements, factors affecting the accuracy of dietary assessment. Interpretation of dietary data

Unit III: 
  • Clinical assessment: Study of different methods and techniques for clinical assessment of nutritional status and diagnosis of sign of relation to various nutrient deficiencies.
  • Biochemical assessment: Methods and techniques for major nutritional disorders, standards for comparison, field level assessment techniques.
Unit IV: 

Tools for Nutrition Screening in Hospitalized Patients                               

  • Nutrition Risk Screening 2002
  • Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA)
  • Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool(MUST)
Unit V: 

Tools for Nutritional Assessment of Hospitalized Patients    

  • Subjective Global Assessment (SGA)
  • Physical Examination
  • Laboratory Examination
Academic Year: