Applied Physics (Practical)

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This course will enable the students to -

  • The methods of using various instruments.
  • Various concepts of lightning and electricity.


The students are required to do any three minor and any three major experiments.

Minor Experiments

  1. To find the radius of a wire using a Screw Gauge.
  2. To measure the volume of a calorimeter using Vernier Callipers.
  3. To set up a two way stair case lighting circuit.
  4. To find the best detergent amongst the given samples using the capillary rise method


Major Experiments

  1.  To determine the coefficient of friction by an inclined plane.
  2.  To determine the melting point of wax by cooling curve method.
  3.  To study the reverse and forward characteristics of a junction diode.
  4.  To verify Ohm’s law.


Essential Readings: 
  1. Lal S., 1996, Fundamental Physics, Pradeep Publications
  2. Pect and picktett, 1975, House hold equipments, John Wiley and sons (U.S.A.)
  3. Solar energy by S.P. Sukhatme, 2001, Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub. Co.


  1. Madalyn avny, 1956, Household physics. The Mac Milan Company, New York.
  2. Partab H., 1987, Electrical Gadgets, Dhanpat Rai and Sons.
  3. Rao S.R. 1987, Electrical Gadgets and their repairing  Pitamber Bood Depot.
  4. Grah Bhautiki, by Prof. M.G. Bhatvadeker, Hindi Granth Academy, Jaipur.

Senior School Physics by K.L. Chopra and N.K. Sehgal, Sultan chand and sons, Delhi.

Academic Year: