Paper Code: 
HCT 321
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  1. To understand various processes and technical parameters of garment production.
  2. To enhance awareness of several product machinery & equipment.
  3. To study various production systems and their management.

Course  Outcomes (CO’s):


Learning Outcomes (at course level)

Learning and Teaching Strategies

Assessment Strategies

Paper Code

Paper Title

HCT 321



COCT46: Knowledge of garment industry, structure and functioning


COCT47: Familiarity with various machines, tools and equipment used in garment industry


COCT48:  Understand various materials and components of garment production


Approach in Teaching :

Discussion, Interactive Lectures, Power Point Presentation


Learning Activities for the Students:


Self Learning Assignments, Field Trips/Industry Visits

Quiz, Power Point Presentations, Chart/Poster Presentation,  Group Projects, Semester End Examination



Unit I: 
  • Importance of Readymade Garment Industry in Indian economy and global market.
  • Growth & development of RMGI.
  • SWOT analysis of RMGI.
  • Type of garments manufactured & marketed
  • Introduction to mass production-process flow chart
Unit II: 
Pre-production in Apparel Industry:
  • Principles of Management.
  • Design Department- Forecasting, Designing, Production of sample garments.
  • Cutting & Spreading:
    • Marker types & calculations
    • Spreading process & equipments
    • Types of cutting machines
    • Ticketing & Bundling-Purpose & types
  • Pre-production- Fusing & pre folding machines


Unit III: 
Production Planning & Control:
  • Production system-Types, Salient features & specific uses
  • Specification sheet- Parts, types and preparation
  • Production planning & Control- Scheduling, capacity plans, planning process, supply chain management, enterprise resource planning, plant layout


Unit IV: 
  • Types of sewing threads, needles
  • Sewing machinery-Parts,  types & work aids
  • Sewing defects
  • Classification of seams & stitches - suitability & usage
  • Alternate methods of joining material (fusing, welding & adhesives) equipment & techniques
  • Attachment of labels


Unit V: 
Post production Machinery & Processes
  • Production finishing- bar tack, button, buttonhole
  • Garment finishing – Stain removal, cleaning, dry cleaning & pressing
  • Specialized finishing – Moulding form fininshing
  • Packaging & dispatch-Types of packages & materials, machines used for packaging
  • Application of computers in the garment industry.
Essential Readings: 
  • Gerry, Cooklin., Introduction to Clothing Manufacture, Black Well Science, London.
  • Darlie, Koshy., Effective Export Marketing of Apparel, Global Business Press.
  • Mehta, Pradip V and Bhardwaj S.K., Managing Quality in Apparel Industry, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi.
  • Glock & Kuntz (1995) Apparel Manufacturing- Seven product analysis
  • Harold, Carr & Barbara, Latham, The Technology of Clothing Manufacture, Blackwell Science, London.
  • Chuter, A.J., Introduction to Clothing Production Management, Blackwell Science, London.
  • Tyles, D.J., Materials Management in Clothing Production, Blackwell Science, London.
  • Stylios, G., (1991): Textiles objective Measurement and Automation in Garment Manufacture, Ellis Horward Ltd., New York.
  • Bheda R (2003) Managing productivity in Apparel Industry, New Delhi, CBS Publishers
  • Carr. H. & Latham B. (1984), The technology of clothing manufacture, Blackwell Scientific Publication.
  • Beyond Design, Petty Brown & Janetto Ricco.


Academic Year: