Paper Code: 
HCT 321
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  1. To understand various processes and technical parameters of garment production.
  2. To enhance awareness of several product machinery & equipment.
  3. To study various production systems and their management.



Unit I: 
  • Importance of Readymade Garment Industry in Indian economy and global market.
  • Growth & development of RMGI.
  • SWOT analysis of RMGI.
  • Type of garments manufactured & marketed
  • Introduction to mass production-process flow chart


Unit II: 
Pre-production in Apparel Industry:
  • Principles of Management.
  • Design Department- Forecasting, Designing, Production of sample garments.
  • Cutting & Spreading-Marker types & calculations, Spreading process & equipments, Types of cutting machines, Ticketing & Bundling-Purpose & types
  • Pre-production- Fusing & pre folding machines



Unit III: 
Production Planning & Control:
  • Production system-Types, Salient features & specific uses
  • Specification sheet- Parts, types and preparation
  • Production planning & Control- Scheduling, capacity plans, planning process, supply chain management, enterprise resource planning, plant layout


Unit IV: 
  • Types of sewing threads, needles
  • Sewing machinery-Parts,  types & work aids
  • Sewing defects
  • Classification of seams & stitches - suitability & usage
  • Alternate methods of joining material (fusing, welding & adhesives) equipment & techniques
  • Attachment of labels


Unit V: 
Post production Machinery & Processes:
  • Production finishing- bar tack, button, buttonhole
  • Garment finishing – Stain removal, cleaning, drycleaning & pressing
  • Specialized finishing – Moulding, form fininshing
  • Packaging & dispatch-Types of packages & materials, machines used for packaging
  • Application of computers in the garment industry.


Essential Readings: 
  1. Gerry, Cooklin., Introduction to Clothing Manufacture, Black Well Science, London.
  2. Darlie, Koshy., Effective Export Marketing of Apparel, Global Business Press.
  3. Mehta, Pradip V and Bhardwaj S.K., Managing Quality in Apparel Industry, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi.
  4. Glock & Kuntz (1995) Apparel Manufacturing- Seven product analysis


  1. Harold, Carr & Barbara, Latham., The Technology of Clothing Manufacture, Blackwell Science, London.
  2. Chuter, A.J., Introduction to Clothing Production Management, Blackwell Science, London.
  3. Tyles, D.J., Materials Management in Clothing Production, Blackwell Science, London.
  4. Stylios, G., (1991): Textiles objective Measurement and Automation in Garment Manufacture, Ellis Horward Ltd., New York.
  5. Bheda R (2003) Managing productivity in Apparel Industry, New Delhi, CBS Publishers
  6. Carr. H & Latham B (1984) The technology of clothing manufacture, Blackwell Scientific Publication.
  7. Beyond Design, Petty Brown & Janetto Ricco.



Academic Year: