Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to –

  1. Impart knowledge to students related to apparel marketing and merchandising.
  2. Impart knowledge about fashion trend forecasting.
  3. Develop understanding of merchandising & retailing and its importance in today’s consumer market
  4. Understand marketing, merchandising, presentation and export marketing.
Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




Apparel Marketing and Merchandising


CO393:Analyze the concept of forecasting and its importance in fashion industry

CO394: Explain market: segmentation, targeting & positioning and consumer buying behavior

CO395: Interpret the responsibilities of buyers and merchandisers in relation to all levels of the market. 

CO396:Analyze the working of fashion brands and product management.

CO397: Describe elements of visual merchandising and emerging retailing trends in industry

CO398: Contribute effectively in course specific interaction

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Reading assignments


Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, Simulation,  presentation, Giving tasks

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Solving problems in tutorials, Assignments, Presentation



Unit I: 
Fashion Trend Forecasting
  • Forecasting
  • Steps in developing a Forecast
  • Sourcing & cataloguing of fabrics
  • Seasonal Trend Analysis- Colour, silhouettes & detailing, material & textures, print & graphics, accessories trends
Unit II: 
Market: Segmentation, Targeting & Positioning and Consumer Buying Behavior
  • Marketing Environment
  • 4P’s of Marketing
  • Market: Segmentation and Targeting
  • Brand Positioning
  • Consumer Buying Behavior
Unit III: 
Fashion Merchandising and Buying
  • Concept of Merchandising
  • Merchandise Category-Staple, Fashion & Seasonal
  • Assortment Planning
  • Buying Organizations & Techniques
  • Inventory Management
Unit IV: 
Fashion Brand and Product Management
  • Brand Management: Meaning & Process
  • Brand Management Concepts: Brand Name, Brand Attributes, Brand Identity & Image
  • Product Classification & Product Lifecycle
  • New Product Development: Process & Challenges
Unit V: 
Introduction to Fashion Retailing
  • The Global Impact of Fashion Retailing
  • Types of Retail Institutions
  • Retail Promotion-Advertising, Sales promotion & Personal selling
  • Visual Merchandising in Retail
  • Trends in Retail industry
Essential Readings: 

1.Rosenau, J. A., Wilson David L. David. (2006), Apparel Merchandising-The line starts here, Fairchild publications, New York.

2. Donnellan John (1999), Merchandise buying & management, Fairchild publication, New York.

3. Stone, Elanie & Samples, Jean. (2015), Fashion Merchandising, McGraw Hill, New York.

4. Stephens, Frings Gini (2008), Fashion Concept to Consumer, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall International, New Jersey.

       5. Nirupama, Pundir (2007), Fashion Technology-Today and Tommorow, Mittal                    publications, New Delhi

  1. Jackson, Tim & Shaw, David (2008), Fashion buying & merchandising management, Palgrave Macmillan publisher, London.
  2. Pradhan Swapana (2012), Retailing Management: Text and Cases, McGraw Hill Education; 4 editions.
  3. Kaneez. F. & Sheikh. A. (2011), Retail Management, Himalayan Books
  4. Burns, Leslie. Davis & Bryant. (2005), The Business of Fashion, Fairchild Publication, New York.
Academic Year: