Anatomy and Human Physiology

Paper Code: 
SSN 151
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 
  • To acquire knowledge regarding the human body
  • To know in detail about various systems of body
  1. Cells and Tissues- Structure and functionality of the cell .Types of Tissues (With respect to epithelial, connective, muscle and nervous tissues)                                                        2. Cardiovascular System

  • Blood – Composition and Functions, Erythropoiesis, Blood groups & Blood transfusion ,  Sports anemia
  • Heart – Structure, Cardiac cycle, Cardiac output & Effect of exercise, Blood Pressure & Hypertension
  • Circulation of Blood – Systemic, Pulmonary, Portal and Coronary circulation & Heart Attacks

           3.Lymphatic System

  • Structure & Functions of Lymph, Lymph vessels and Lymph nodes
  • Importance in diseases
Unit II: 

 Skeletal System

  • Structure & Formation of Bones. Osteoporosis

5.Digestive System

  • Structure & Functions of Stomach, Small Intestine, Large intestine, Pancreas, Islets of Langerhans, Liver & Gall Bladder
  • Digestion & Absorption of Carbohydrates, Proteins & Fats
Unit III: 

Urinary System

  • Structure & Functions of Kidneys
  • Formation of Urine
  • Factors affecting urinary excretion

7.Respiratory System

  • Structure & Functions of Lungs
  • External & Internal Respiration
  • Control of Respiration – Nervous & Chemical
  • Vital Capacity
  • Work physiology – BOT Max, MR Max
Unit IV: 

.Endocrine System

  • Hierarchical organization of human endocrine system 
  • Functions of Pituitary, Thyroid, Parathyroid & Adrenal Glands

9.Reproductive System

  • Structure & functions of Male Reproductive Organs – Testes, Vas Deferens & Seminal Vesicles, Prostrate & Urethra
  • Structure & functions of Female Reproductive Organs – Uterus, Vagina, Fallopian tubes & Ovaries, Fertilization , Menstrual Cycle
Unit V: 
  • 10. Nervous System
  • Structure of Neurons
  • Meninges and Cerebro-Spinal fluid
  • Structure & Functions of Brain and Spinal cord

11.Sense Organs

  • Structures and Functions – Tongue, Nose, Eyes, Ears, Skin
Essential Readings: 
  1. Guyton Holt, A Text Book of Medical Physiology Saunder &
  2. Kathleer Armstrong, Anatomy & Physiology for Nurses, 2nd Edition- Balliere Tindall, Ist Anne’s Road East bowne, East Sussex London.
  3. Gordon .W Anatomy & Physiology for Nurses and students of Human Biology Fourth Edition ,Sears-London Edward Arnold Publishers Ltd.
  4. Elaine N. Marieb , Human Anatomy & Physiology, The Benjamin/ Cummings Publishing Company.Inc.
  5. Gerard J. Tortora and Nicholas P. Anagnostakos, Principles of Anatomy & Physiology, Harper & Row Publishers, New York.
  6. Lal P. Work Physiology Lady Irwin college, new Delhi.
  7. Astrand, Evaluation of work physiology   



Academic Year: