Paper Code: 
HFN 125
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 


Course Objectives:

This course will enable the students to –

  1. Understand the basic principles of practical biochemistry
  2. Understand the biochemical methods and approaches used in nutritional biochemistry


 Course Learning Outcomes (COs):



Learning outcomes

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies



Paper Code

Paper Title












HFN 125

Advanced Nutritional Biochemistry-I







The students will be able to –


COFN17: Apply the concepts of mole, mole fraction, molarity in preparations of solutions of desired strengths and acquire skills to determine pKa value of amino acids.


COFN18: Develop competence in handing various chromatographic techniques and apply them in isolating and characterizing different biological molecules.


COFN19: Gain knowledge on the principles of Electrophoresis, Spectrophotometry and Colorimetry and their applications in biological investigations/experiments.


COFN20: Determine presence of biomolecules like carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, etc. in known and unknown samples.


COFN21: Acquire training to determine saponification value and iodine value of oil and different types of fats.


Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Power Point Presentations, demonstration


Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, presentations, Field trips




Power Point Presentations, Individual and group projects, Semester End Examination, demonstration





  • Basic knowledge and working principles of
  • Spectrophotometry and colorimetry
  • Chromatography: Paper, TLC, Column
  • pH
  • Basic knowledge of normality, molatity, percent solutions and dilutions
  • Preparation of buffers and measurement of their pH with indicators and pH meter.
  • Colours reactions for carbohydrates
  •  Glucose determination in food and blood by Nelson Somogyi Method.
  • Determination of protein content by Biuret Method.
  •  Separation of Amino acids by TLC
  • Estimation of cholesterol using Zlatkis Method..
  • Estimation of
  • Saponification Number
  • Free Fatty Acids
  • Iodine Value
Essential Readings: 
  • Raghuramulu, Nair, and Kalyansundaram, A Manual of Laboratory Techniques, NIN Publications            
  • William S, 16th Ed. AOAC Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists
  • Sharma Sheel, Practical Biochemistry. Classic Publishing House, Jaipur-Delhi


Academic Year: