Advanced Life Span Study –II Gerantology

Paper Code: 
HHD 144
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 


This course will enable the students to :

  1. Understand the developmental milestones and changes
  2. Understand problems and plan intervention
  3. Understand changing trends in Gerontology


Unit I: 
Unit I
  • Defining Aging
  • Theories of old age
  • Stereotypes related to age - Ethnicity, Gender and Culture    
  • Friends, Family, and Community – changing relations    


Unit II: 
Unit II
  • Biopsychology
  • Industrial Gerontology
  • Social Gerontology
  • Health Psychology
  • Neuropsychology
  • Psychopharmacology in Later Adulthood


Unit III: 
Unit III

·         Sensation and Motor Functions

·         Perception and Attention

·         Cognition

·         Cognitive Disorders of Aging

·         Learning, Motivation, and Emotion

·         Special Problems of Old age   

Mental Health and Aging

Unit IV: 
Unit IV
  • Work and Leisure                                                       
  • Intimacy and Sexuality
  • Finance and Lifestyles 
  • The Oldest Old and hospice Care                           
  • Death and Dying 
  • Contribution of elderly persons in society
  • Death anxiety


Unit V: 
Unit V
  • Politics, Policies and Programs                                
  • Ethical and Legal Issues
  • Psychological Tests and Measurements in Gerontology
  • Behavioral Intervention
  • Therapies in old age
  • Acts for elderly
  • Program/ project planning



Books recommended:


Denise Boyd, Helen Bee, Lifespan Development, International Edition, 5th Edition, Pearson, 2008.

Laura Berk , Development Through the Lifespan International Edition 5th Edition Pearson, 2009

Laura BerkExploring Lifespan Development, International Edition, 2nd Edition, Pearson, 2010.

Grace Craig, Wendy Dunn, Understanding Human Development, 2nd EditionPearson, 2010.

Alison, Clarke- Stewart, Susan and Friedman, Child Development. Infancy through Adolescence, (1987). John Wiley and Sons, New York, USA.

Kaul V. 1991 Early Childhood Education Programme. Published at the Department of Preschool and Elementary Education, NCERT, New Delhi.

William L. Heward and Micthell D. Orlansky, Exceptional Children 4th Ed. McMillan Publishing Company New York.

Helen Bee. The Developing Child, 4th Ed. (1985) Harper and Ron Publishers, New York, USA.

Rao V.K. and Reddy R.S. (1997). Parent Education. Common Wealth Publishers in Association with Dr. Zakir Hussain Institute for Non Formal and Continuing Education, New Delhi.

Singh U.K. and Sudarshan K.N. (1996). Child Education. Discovery Publishing House New Delhi.

Harden M.L.; Drew, C.J. and Egan, M.W. (1999). Human Exceptionality. Boston Allyn and Bacon.

Janardan Prasad Ravi Prakashan, Education of Handicap Children. Problems and Solution Kanishka Publisher, Distributor New Delhi.

Berk D.P. and Driur, B. (1989). Variant Life Style and Relationships. Family Studies Text Series, II Ed, Sage New Delhi.

Micthell, L. Hardman Clifford S, Drew, M. Winston Egan and Barbara Wolf, Human Exceptionality. Society School and Family 4th Ed., Allyn and Bacon.

Yesseldyke J.E. and Algozine, B.B. (1998). Special Edition. Approach for Teachers, New Delhi. Kanishka Publishers.

Hutter, M. (1988). The Changing Family. Comparative Perspective 2nd Ed. New York, McMillan.


Academic Year: