Paper Code: 
Contact Hours: 
Max. Marks: 

This course will enable the students to

  1. Apply the knowledge of pedagogical approaches   in teachers that will help to develop a better understanding of children
  2. Discuss ICT to teachers and develop new innovative approaches
  3. Understand the age-appropriate play activities and emergent mathematics for pre-primary learners
  4. Develop an overview of the various play activities
  5. Value the importance of storytelling, Art, Creativity, and Rhythmic activities.
Course Outcomes: 


Learning outcome

(at course level)

Learning and teaching strategies

Assessment Strategies

Course Code




Advanced Human Development (Theory)

CO237: Appraise the need, definition, tasks, and concepts of human development and understand the stages, influencing factors, significance, and importance of Indian practices during the prenatal period.

CO238: Analyse various developments during birth, neonatal stage, and infancy period.

CO239: Compare various developments during various stages of childhood.

CO240: Appraise the importance, characteristics and various developments of adolescent years

CO241: Explain of physical, motor, and sensory development during adulthood years.

CO242: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction

Approach in teaching:

Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Tutorials, Team teaching


Learning activities for the students:

Self-learning assignments, Effective questions, , Topic  presentation, Giving tasks,

Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Presentation


Unit I: 
Introduction to Human Development and Prenatal stage
  • Definition and Need of interdisciplinary approach to study Human Development; Developmental tasks; Basic concepts of development-maturation and learning, Sensitive periods, Individual differences, Nature-Nurture issues; secular trend in growth
  • Prenatal Development: Stages; genetic and environmental influences; role of teratogens; diagnostic tests; genome project's significance; importance of Indian pregnancy practices.
Unit II: 
Postnatal to Infancy
  • Birth and Neonate: Birth process, Types of delivery, Complications at birth, APGAR test, Physical and Physiological state of neonates’ adjustments, Reflexes and sensory capacities.
  • Infancy and Babyhood: Characteristics, Physical and motor development, Nutrition and Health, Perceptual development, Emotional, Cognitive and Language development, Social relationships, the cultural experience of being an infant.
Unit III: 
Childhood Stage
  • Early Childhood : Importance and Characteristics; Physical and Motor Development; Play and Social relationships; The emerging self; Cognitive, Language and emotional in early years; early socialization - Parenting, Peers and Cultural processes
  • Middle Childhood: Characteristics, Developmental tasks; Physical and Motor development – changes; Cognitive, language and Moral development; Emotional development; Sense of Industry and Personality development; Social relationships with parents, siblings, peers and teachers, Socialization by Mass media, Cultural influences; The experience of schooling – academic achievement
Unit IV: 
  • Definition and Characteristics, Transition from childhood to sexual maturity Puberty and its consequences;
  • Physical and Psychological changes; Development of formal thoughts; Moral reasoning and judgment;
  •  Integration of the self- Issues of identity formation and Personality b Role of family, Peers, community and ethnic groups; changes in social life, Vocational interests and Adjustments; Health, Sexuality, mental health, delinquency-conformity
Unit V: 
Adulthood Development

●        Early/Young Adulthood: Biological and developmental tasks; physical, intellectual, and personality development; social organization (single life, marriage, marital adjustments); parenthood and non-parenthood; divorce and remarriage; vocational patterns and adjustments; identity formation; health status.

●        Middle Adulthood: Physical continuity and changes (sensory abilities, physiological functioning, appearance); adult intelligence; personality development and self; family roles and relationships; friendships; intergenerational relationships (parenting adult offspring, their marriages); health and disease; menopause; adult sexuality; work and career development.

●        Late adulthood and Old age – Changes in physical, cognitive abilities and creativity; Physical aspects of aging; Health and disease; Continuity and change in personality; changes in family life cycle and social relationships; occupational continuity and Change-effect on identity; Work and Retirement; Alternative life styles and Leisure time activities; Death, dying and bereavement.

Essential Readings: 

1.     Diane Papalia and Sally Olds(2017), Human Development (9th Edition), Mcgrow Hill publication, New York, ISBN-13978-0070586918.

2.     Srivastava Sushila and Rani K Sudha (2016), Text book of Human Development, S Chand and company, New Delhi. ISBN-13:978-9383746798.

3. Laura E, Adena.B. Meyers (2015) Infants, Children and Adolescents, 8th Edition Pearson Publisher

  1. Naresh Gupta (2019), Human Development in India, Emerald Publisher
  2. SuhasisBhandra, Sibnath Deb and Seema Sahay, (2019), Childhood to Adolescence-Issues and Concerns-First Edition, Pearson Publisher
  3.  3. Bridget A. Walsh, Lydia DeFlorio, Melissa M. Burnham, Dana A. Weiser (2017) Introduction to Human Development and Family Studies, Taylor and Francis


Academic Year: