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This course will enable the students to :

Understand the prevailing psychological problems in various age groups  and causes of the problems.

Understand the treatments and therapies for psychological problems.

Unit I                                                                                                               6 Hrs


a). Meaning, definition and concept of psychology.

b). Areas of psychology.

c). Causes of psychological disturbances in various age groups.

Unit II                                                                                                             6 Hrs

Causes, symptoms, types, identification, treatment – 

a). Bodily maladaptations-

  1. Eating disorders Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating.
  2. Sleep disorders- Dyssomnias, parasomnias.
  3. Diagnostic dilemmas- Chronic fatigue syndrome, irritational bowel syndrome.

b). Somatoform disorders- Pain disorder, somatization disorder, conversion disorder, hypochondriasis, bodily dismorphic disorder.

c). Anxiety disorder- Generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, phobias, post traumatic disorder.


Unit III                                                                                                            6 Hrs

  1. Sexual disorders- Sexual dysfunction, gender identity disorder, paraphilias, sexual victimization.
  2. Personality disorders- Paranoid, schizoid, schizotypical, histrionic, narcisstic, borderline, antisocial, avoidant,dependant, obsessive compulsive personality disorder.
  3. Mood disorder- Depression, dysthemic disorder, bipolar disorder.
  4. Psychotic disorder- Schizophrenia, schizoaffective, delusional, shared psychotic disorder.
  5. Childhood  and adolescence psychiatric disorders-
  • Externalizing disorders- AD/ HD, oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder.
  • Internalizing disorders- Separation anxiety disorder, depression.

Unit IV                                                                                                            6 Hrs

  1. Introduction to psychiatric treatments- Concept, definition, goals.
  2. Therapies-
  1. Individual – Psychiatry,  psychotherapy, client centered, Cognitive therapy, logotherapy, gestalt therapy, Group therapy- psychotherapy, psychodrama, transactional analysis.
  2. Behavior modification- Systematic desensitization, flooding and implosive, contingency management, token economy, aversion, modeling.
  3. Biological, medical, electroconvulsive and psychosurgery.
  4. Cross- cultural- Yoga, meditation, hypnosis, bio feedback, autogenic training, work therapy.
  5. Institutional care.


Unit V                                                                                                             6 Hrs

  1. Psychological therapies for children-
    • Play therapy
    • Behavior and cognitive therapy
    • Family therapy
Essential Readings: 
  1. Mehe,J.Abnormal Psychology,Holt,Rinehart,1983
  2. Gallation,Abnormal Psychology,Collien Macmillan,1982.
  3. Shanngam,T.K.Abnormal Psychology,Tata McGraw Hill,1981.
  4. Indian Journal of Psychiatry,the Indian Psychiatric soceity.
  5. Pearson,G.H.J., "Emotional Disorders of children" Boston,New York,1949.
  6. Lask, B. (1985). Overcoming behavior problems in children: A practical guide. New York: Arco Publishing, Inc.