This course will enable the students to –
Course |
Learning outcomes (at course level) |
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment Strategies |
Course Code |
Course Title |
24CEFE 301 |
Recent Trend in ECE Curriculum
CO21: Identify the essential features, elements & issues in ECE curriculum and explain the curriculum from the perspective of developmental psychology and developmental milestones CO22: Analyze the National curriculum framework for foundation stage. CO23: Apply the key features of contemporary Models & Approaches to Curriculum Planning in planning the curriculum. CO24: Create age and developmentally appropriate curriculum for developing language and literacy skills in children at foundation stage CO25: Create age and developmentally appropriate curriculum for developing Mathematics skills in children & make them aware about the world around us at foundation stage CO26: Contribute effectively in course-specific interaction. |
Approach in teaching: Discussion, Interactive lectures. Presentations, content analysis
Learning activities for the students: Self-learning, assignments, presentations
Critically analyze the theories and present (Pair activity), Class test, Semester end examinations, Quiz, Presentation |
Elements and its inter relatedness- Goals, content, pedagogy, assessment,
Guiding principles of Pre-School:
birth to three years: focus on care and stimulation,
three to six years: focus on care, early learning and readiness, suggestive developmentally appropriate
Curricular issues and concerns: handle variations in learning, multilingualism inclusion, manage multi-age grouping, ensure and encourage gender equality, harms of early formal instruction, preparing ECCE teachers/caregivers
Features of curriculum : age , developmentally & culturally appropriate.
From aims to learning Outcome
Curricular Goals
Linkage to preparatory stage-from foundation stage - Panchkosh
Literacy & Numeracy at foundation stage
Panchkosh Model, Montessori Model, Reggio Emilia, Waldorf School
Behaviorist, Constructivist, Cognitive Oriented Curriculum
Project Approach
Thematic Curriculum
Toy-based Curriculum
Introduction to Language Skills
Components of early language and literacy- (emergent literacy skills, oral language development, phonological awareness, decoding, reading with comprehension, fluent reading, writing, developing a desire or habit of reading), print recognition, understanding, pictures and books, and introducing the alphabet
Planning strategies to enabling reading and writing
Creating a language learning environment
Understanding space number and its relations, basic Mathematical operations, shapes and spatial understanding, patterns, measurement and data handling,
Pre-number skills: comparison, seriation, classification, sorting, shapes, space and position patterns and relationships, estimation, prediction, concept of money, number and operations, counting, one to one correspondence, quantity, comparison of sets,
Learning to Add & subtract
Developing Conceptual Knowledge and Values in Children [2]
The Curricular Area included in‘The World Around Us’ [3]
Mishra R.C. , 2005; Early Childhood care & education, A.P.H. publishing Corporation , New Delhi-110 002
Mangal, S. K. and Shubhra' Mangal (2019), Creating an Inclusive School, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
Geva M. Blenkin and A. V. Kelly (2002), Early Childhood Education a developmental curriculum, Paul Chaoman Publishing Ltd.
Wortham, S.C. (2010) Early childhood curriculum: Developmental bases for learning and teaching. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson
Kaul, V. & Bhatnagar, R. Early Childhood Education: A Trainers’ Handbook. New Delhi: NCERT
Suggested Readings:
Smith, J. A., & Patel, R. K. (2021). Innovations in Early Childhood Education: A Comprehensive Guide. Academic Press.
Gordon, A. M., & Browne, K. W. (2010). Beginnings and Beyond: Foundations in Early Childhood Education (8th edition). Wadsworth Pub Co
NCERT. (2017). Learning Outcomes at the Elementary Stage
G. Pankajam (2005), Pre-Primary education Philosophy and Practice, Concept Publishing Company, New Delhi.
Nido Early School.(2017). Project-Based Learning in Early Learning centers
National Curriculum Framework for foundation stage, 2022. Available at [4]
Introduction to Early childhood curriculum in India available at [5]
Reference Journals
European Early Childhood Education Research available at [6]
Early Childhood Education Journal available at [7]