Learning outcomes (at course level) |
Learning and teaching strategies |
Assessment Strategies |
The students will be able to –
CO29: Develop skills required to develop low cost recipes to ensure proper to combat various deficiencies. CO30: Planning and implement public health nutrition programmes. CO31: Develop skills in Assessing the Nutritional Status using various techniques at community level
Approach in teaching: Interactive Lectures, Discussion, Analysis of Behavior change communications campaigns, Team teaching and learning activities
Learning activities for the students: Self-learning assignments, Effective discussion, Simulation, Report analysis and presentation, Giving tasks, Field practical related to implementation of designed nutrition education programmes
CA test, Semester end examinations, Viva, Group discussion and power point presentation |
[1] https://homescience.iisuniv.ac.in/courses/subjects/community-nutrition-practical-19
[2] https://homescience.iisuniv.ac.in/academic-year/2022-2023