Paper Code: 
HHD 122
Contact Hours: 
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This course will enable the students to :

  • Understand the role of heredity and environment in development.
  • Understand problems and solutions regarding child bearing.
  • Understand postnatal psychological problems and treatment.
  1. Introduction to Genetics, Principles of Genetics
  2. Genes & Chromosomes, Structure & Function
  3. DNA Structure, Cell organization, mitosis, meiosis, Mendelism- linkage and cross over, gene- mutation.
  4. Sex Determination, Identical and Fraternal Twins
  1. Meaning & interaction of heredity and environment in determining intelligence, personality and behavior- studies of identical and fraternal twins.
  2. Hereditary diseases/ gene linked syndromes- Sickle cell anemia, hemophilia, PKU, autism,   alzheimer’s, apert, sticklers and ushers syndrome, cystic fibrosis, Huntington, spina bifida, tay- sachs.Chromosomal variation and
  3. Sex  linked syndrome-Fragile X, XYY, down, cat cry, turners, klinefelter syndrome
  1. Genetic Disorders, diagnosis and treatment- Human Karyotype,  pedigree construction and its analysis
  2. Prenatal screening methods    
  3. Genetic counseling-need, essential qualities of genetic counselor.
  4. Direct and indirect counseling.
  5. Prevention of genetic disorders and gene therapy.                                                                                                              
  1. Factors causing infertility- Stress, problems in ovulation, blocked or scarred fallopian tubes, endo- metriosis and low sperm count, drugs, alcohol-  treatment
  2. Assisted reproduction- Invtro fertilization and test tube baby, surrogate mothers- legal and ethical issues.


  1. Post partum depression-Types, causes and treatment.
  2. Post partum infection.
  3. Maternal and infant mortality- Causes and treatment
  4. Indian practices during pregnancy and post partum period- a scientific concern.


Essential Readings: 
  1. Fundamentals of Genetics by R.P.Meyyan, Saras Publication
  2. Genetics by Strickberger Monroe W. Prentice-Hall; 3 edition (1995)
  3. Development Through the Lifespan, Books a la Carte Edition (6th Edition) Loose Leaf – August 15, 2013, by Laura E. Berk
Academic Year: